R. Joseph Parrott
Grassroots Diplomacy: How African Liberation Mobilized New Left Internationalism
University of Pennsylvania Press: in press (expected July 2025)
Liam Riordan and Richard W. Judd (Editors)
What We Know, What We Wish: Maine Statehood, Historical Commemoration, and the Urgency of Public History
University of Massachusetts Press: in press (expected June 2025)
Lindsay O’Neill
The Two Princes of Mpfumo: An Early Eighteenth-Century Journey into and out of Slavery
University of Pennsylvania Press: in press (expected February 2025)
Josiah Osgood
Lawless Republic: The Rise of Cicero and the Decline of Rome
Basic Books: in press (expected January 2025)
Kathryn Schumaker
Tangled Fortunes: The Hidden History of Interracial Marriage in the Segregated South
Basic Books: in press (expected January 2025)
Bradley J. Dixon
Republic of Indians: Empires of Indigenous Law in the Early American South
University of Pennsylvania Press: in press (expected December 2024)
Ryan Cecil Jobson
The Petro-state Masquerade: Oil, Sovereignty, and Power in Trinidad and Tobago
University of Chicago Press: in press (expected December 2024)
Stefan Huebner (Editor)
Oceanic Japan: The Archipelago in Pacific and Global History
University of Hawai‘i Press: in press (expected November 2024)
Hannah Shepherd (Contributor)
Oceanic Japan: The Archipelago in Pacific and Global History
University of Hawai‘i Press: in press (expected November 2024)
Christina Cecelia Davidson
Dominican Crossroads: H.C.C. Astwood and the Moral Politics of Race-Making in the Age of Emancipation
Duke University Press: in press (expected October 2024)
Julia M. Gossard & Holly N. S. White (Editors)
Engaging Children in Vast Early America
Routledge: in press (expected September 2024)
Kate Merkel-Hess
Women and Their Warlords: Domesticating Militarism in Modern China
University of Chicago Press: in press (expected August 2024)
Michelle M. Nickerson
Spiritual Criminals: How the Camden 28 Put the Vietnam War on Trial
University of Chicago Press: in press (expected August 2024)
William Sturkey
The Ballad of Roy Benavidez: The Life and Times of America’s Most Famous Hispanic War Hero
Basic Books: 2024

     • Roy’s Texas
Roy’s Vietnam and Cambodia
Kerry Wallach
Traces of a Jewish Artist: The Lost Life and Work of Rahel Szalit
Penn State University Press: 2024
     • Rahel Szalit’s Europe, from Telz, Lithuania (then Russian Empire), to Paris, France, ca. 1910
Nathan Perl-Rosenthal
The Age of Revolutions and the Generations Who Made It
Basic Books: 2024

     • The independent Americas, ca. 1825
     • The Atlantic Empires, ca. 1763
     • South America, 1808–1825
     • Napoleonic Europe, 1812
Diane Niblack Fox
Living with Agent Orange: Conversations in Postwar Viet Nam
University of Massachusetts Press: 2024

     • Present-day Viet Nam showing pertinent locations from the text
Chris Sandal-Wilson
Cambridge University Press: 2023
     • Map of government and major private mental institutions in mandate Palestine 
     • Residence of the 174 patients from Palestine admitted to the Lebanon Hospital for Mental Diseases between 1901 and 1935
Michael A. Blaakman
Speculation Nation: Land Mania in the Revolutionary American Republic
University of Pennsylvania Press: 2023
     • State and territorial borders shown as claimed by the United States, ca. 1796
Leonard V. Smith
French Colonialism: From the Ancien Régime to the Present
Cambridge University Press: 2023
     • The French Empire in the New World (Mercator projection)
     • French Algeria, 1830–1962
     • The French Empire in Africa (Mercator projection)
     • The French Indochinese Union, 1887–1954
     • French Mandate Syria and Lebanon, 1923–41
     • French Territories in the South Pacific
Joan Newlon Radner
Wit and Wisdom: The Forgotten Literary Life of New England Villages
University of Massachusetts Press: 2023
     • Lyceum papers and record books consulted
Ann B. Irish
It’s Always Uphill from the Dock: The Story of the Puget Sound Islands
Northwest Corner Books: 2023
     • Islands of Puget Sound
     • The San Juan Islands
     • Lummi, Fidalgo, and nearby islands
     • Whidbey, Camano, Indian, Marrowstone, Smith, and Hat Islands
     • Bainbridge, Blake, and Vashon-Maury Islands
     • Islands of the southernmost reaches of Puget Sound
Natasha Wheatley
The Life and Death of States: Central Europe and the Transformation of Modern Sovereignty
Princeton University Press: 2023
     • The Habsburg Monarchy in the late 19th century
     • The Successor states to the Habsburg Monarchy, ca. 1918–1923
Kate Cooper
Queens of a Fallen World: The Lost Women of Augustine’s Confessions
Basic Books: 2023
     • The World of Empress Justina (c. AD 340–392)
     • The World of Monnica of Thagaste (AD 331/332–387)
     • Milan in the Reign of Valentinian II (AD 375–392)
     • The World of Augustine, Bishop of Hippo (AD 354–430)
Alice L. Baumgartner
“The Rivers of America: Colonialism and the History of Naming”
Journal of Early American History: Volume 13, Issue 1, April 2023
     • The Columbia, Charles, Housatonic, and Mississippi Rivers
Mikkel Dack
Everyday Denazification in Postwar Germany: The Fragebogen Questionnaire and Political Screening During the Allied Occupation
Cambridge University Press: 2023
     • Germany under Allied occupation, 1945–49 
Linda Seidel
Vincent’s Arles: As It Is and as It Was
University of Chicago Press: 2023
     • Arles, France
     • Roman sites and other points of mention around Arles
Freddy Foks
Participant Observers: Anthropology, Colonial Development, and the Reinvention of Society in Britain
University of California Press: 2023
     • Anthropologists and their fieldwork locations and institutions 
Jacqueline Jones
No Right to an Honest Living: The Struggles of Boston’s Black Workers in the Civil War Era
Basic Books: 2023
     • Boston and Its Environs, ca. 1860
     • Downtown Boston and the North End, ca. 1860
     • Boston's Beacon Hill and West End neighborhoods, ca. 1860
Daniel Grant
“Whenever we exist on any land, we know it is our country”: Cocopa Mobility and the Colorado River in the U.S.–Mexico Borderlands, 1887–1936
Western Historical Quarterly, Volume 54, Issue 1, Spring 2023 
     • Colorado River Borderlands
Josiah Osgood
Uncommon Wrath: How Caesar and Cato’s Deadly Rivalry Destroyed the Roman Republic
Basic Books: 2022
     • Rome, ca. 100 BC
     • The east at the time of Caesar’s first visit, ca. 80 BC
     • The Roman Forum, ca. 75 BC
     • Caesar’s conquest of Gaul, 58–50 BC
     • The Civil War, 49–44 BC
     • The African War and the Battle of Thapsus (April 6, 46 BC)
Jefferson Cowie
Freedom’s Dominion: A Saga of White Resistance to Federal Power
Basic Books: 2022
     • Creek Lands, the Alabama Black Belt, and Barbour County
     • Eufaula, Alabama
Jessica M. Marglin
The Shamama Case: Contesting Citizenship across the Modern Mediterranean
Princeton University Press: 2022
     • Map of the Mediterranean, circa 1873
     • Tunis and its environs, with Nissim’s sixty-six properties, circa 1873
     • Shamama family tree
Kenneth Margerison
“France’s Great Indian Misadventure: France, India, and the American Revolution”
French Historical Studies, Volume 44, Issue 4, 2022 
     • India, 1765 (adapted from Imperial Gazetteer Atlas of India)
Thomas Robert Travers
Empires of Complaints: Mughal Law and the Making of British India, 1765–1793
Cambridge University Press: 2022
     • The Provinces of Bengal and Bihar under East India Company Rule
Andrew Witmer
Here and Everywhere Else: Small-Town Maine and the World
University of Massachusetts Press: 2022
     • Village of Monson, Maine
     • Regional, national, and global contexts of locality in Monson, Maine
Claire Dunning
Nonprofit Neighborhoods: An Urban History of Inequality and the American State
University of Chicago Press: 2022
     • Boston and some of its neighborhood nonprofits
     • The Black boomerang (1963)
     • Map of housing nonprofit developers (ca. 1983)
Monica Seger
Toxic Matters: Narrating Italy’s Dioxin
University of Virginia Press: 2022
     • Italy, with insets of Seveso and Taranto
Paul S. Landau
Spear: Mandela and the Revolutionaries
Ohio University Press: 2022
     • South Africa and Africa, 1960 
James J. Rorimer, Louis Rorimer, Anne Rorimer, and Lynn Nicholas
Monuments Man: The Mission to Save Vermeers, Rembrandts, and Da Vincis from the Nazis’ Grasp
Rizzoli: 2022
     • Author’s Route during the War, 1944–45
     • Author’s Basic Training in the U.S., 1943–44
     • Normandy, 1944
     • Paris, 1944
     • Châteaux of the Île-de-France, 1944
     • Mines used to Store Art, 1944–45
     • Area around Neuschwanstein Castle, 1944
     • Routes of Hermann Goering’s Art Trains, early 1945
     • Art Collecting Points in the American Zone, 1945
Sam W. Haynes
Unsettled Land: From Revolution to Republic, the Struggle for Texas
Basic Books: 2022
     • Mexican Texas, 1821–1835
     • Texas Republic, 1836–1845
     • Native Peoples and Immigrant Tribes of Texas, 1821–1839 
Laurie Marhoefer
Racism and the Making of Gay Rights: A Sexologist, His Student, and the Empire of Queer Love
University of Toronto Press: 2022
     • Hirschfeld and Li’s World Journey (abbreviated), 1930–2
     • The Exile: Hirschfeld’s Itinerant Life in Europe (abbreviated), 1932–5
Margaret Eleanor Menninger
A Serious Matter and True Joy: Philanthropy, the Arts, and the State in Leipzig (1750–1918)
Brill: 2022
     • 18th century locations in Leipzig
     • 19th century locations in Leipzig
     • The Music Quarter in Leipzig’s City Center
Seth C. Bruggeman
Lost on the Freedom Trail: The National Park Service and Urban Renewal in Postwar Boston
University of Massachusetts Press: 2022  
     • Greater Boston, showing highways and points of interest
     • The Freedom Trail and historic downtown Boston 
Samuel Clowes Huneke
States of Liberation: Gay Men Between Dictatorship and Democracy in Cold War Germany
University of Toronto Press: 2022
     • East and West Germany, c. 1975
     • Gay spaces in divided Berlin, c. 1975 
Scott Reynolds Nelson
Oceans of Grain: How American Wheat Remade the World
Basic Books: 2022
     • Europe and its Black Sea breadbasket, c. 1912  
     • Grant’s “cracker line” and Sherman’s March to the Sea 
     • Russia’s costly plan to sell grain to the world
Kimberly Blockett
Memoirs of the Life, Religious Experience, Ministerial Travels, and Labours of Mrs. Elaw
West Virginia University Press: 2021
     • Zilpha Elaw’s travels in the United States, 1825–40
     • Zilpha Elaw’s travels in England, 1840–65
David Francis Urrows
François Ravary SJ and a Sino-European Musical Culture in Nineteenth-Century Shanghai
Cambridge Scholars Publishing: 2021
     • Sketch map of Shanghai, ca. 1860
     • Ground plan of Zikawei, ca. 1860 
Aro Velmet
Pasteuri impeerium. Epideemiad, vaktsiinid ja poliitika Prantsuse asumaades
Tallinn University Press: 2021  
     • Prantsuse impeerium ja Pasteuri instituudid, u 1939
     • Alexandre Yersini katkureisid
     • Kollapalaviku vaktsiinilaborid
George Roberts
Revolutionary State-Making in Dar es Salaam: African Liberation and the Global Cold War, 1961–1974
Cambridge University Press: 2021 
     • Tanzania and its neighbours, circa 1968
     • Central Dar es Salaam, circa 1968
David MacInnes
“Pre-European Population Dynamics on the Maritime Peninsula”
Archaeology of Eastern North America, Volume 49, 2021 
     • The Maritime Peninsula
Ryan Lee Cartwright
Peculiar Places: A Queer Crip History of White Rural Nonconformity
University of Chicago Press: 2021
     • Maps of Central Wisconsin
Greg Ruth
Tennis: A History from American Amateurs to Global Professionals
University of Illinois Press: 2021
     • Hosts of the most prestigious USLTA tournaments before the Open Era
     • Cities played on C. C. Pyle Presents Suzanne Lenglen, 1926–1927
     • Cities played on Fred Perry vs. Ellsworth Vines, 1937
     • Cities played on Bobby Riggs Presents Jack Kramer vs. Pancho Gonzales, 1949–1950
     • World Championship Tennis Tournaments, 1970–1990
Tao Wang
Isolating the Enemy: Diplomatic Strategy in China and the United States, 1953–1956
Columbia University Press: 2021
     • China and its neighbors
     • Eastern Bloc versus Western Bloc in the Eastern Hemisphere
     • The partition of Vietnam
     • Eastern China and the Taiwan Strait
     • The 29 countries that participated in the Bandung Conference 
Mary Louise Roberts
Sheer Misery: Soldiers in Battle in WWII
University of Chicago Press: 2021  
     • Axis countries and axis-occupied territories in Europe, January 1944
     • Allied advances from Sicily to the Alps, July 1943–May 1945
     • The Battle of France, 1944
     • Allied advances to the Rhine, 1944–1945
Timothy D. Walker
Sailing to Freedom: Maritime Dimensions of the Underground Railroad
University of Massachusetts Press: 2021  
     • Maritime Underground Railroad Route Map 
Joshua D. Rothman
The Ledger and the Chain: How Domestic Slave Traders Shaped America
Basic Books: 2021
     • The slave-trading world of Isaac Franklin, John Armfield, and Rice Ballard
Evan Haefeli
Accidental Pluralism: America and the Religious Politics of English Expansion, 1497–1662
University of Chicago Press: 2021
     • English Amercas before 1630
     • English World: Europe
     • Archdiocese of Canterbury  
     • English Chesapeake before 1660
     • English Caribbean ca. 1590–1660
     • New England ca. 1650 
Sara T. Damiano
To Her Credit: Women, Finance, and the Law in Eighteenth-Century New England Cities
Johns Hopkins University Press: 2021
     • Counties and towns of southeastern New England, c. 1775
     • Boston, Massachusetts, c. 1775
     • Newport, Rhode Island, c. 1777 
Christopher T. Fleming
Ownership and Inheritance in Sanskrit Jurisprudence
Oxford University Press: 2021
     • The five schools of Anglo-Hindu Law c. 1868 
Alice L. Baumgartner
“The Massacre at Gracias a Dios: Mobility and Violence on the Lower Rio Grande, 1821–1856”
Western Historical Quarterly, Volume 52, Issue 1, Spring 2021 
     • Borderlands along the Rio Grande, c. 1856
Jeremy Best
Heavenly Fatherland: German Missionary Culture and Globalization in the Age of Empire
University of Toronto Press: 2021 
     • The German Empire and colonial holdings, circa 1914
     • German East Africa, circa 1914
     • The Benediktinerstreit
     • The Prussian provinces of Brandenburg, Pomerania, and Silesia
Megan Ybarra
Guerras Verdes: Conservación y descolonización en el bosque maya
     • Selva Maya, según materiales promocionales de Nature Conservancy y Conservation International
     • Mapa etnolingüístico de Belice y Guatemala, según la Academia de Lenguas Mayas de Guatemala 
     • Sitios de trabajo de campo y la Franja Transversal del Norte
     • Límites originales y actuales de Parque Nacional Laguna Lachuá 
Pey-Yi Chu
The Life of Permafrost: A History of Frozen Earth in Russian and Soviet Science
University of Toronto Press: 2021
     • Map of northern Eurasia
     • Sumgin’s map of vechnaia merzlota
     • Parkhomenko’s schematic map of merzlota
     • Redozubov diagrams (3)
     • Shvetsov’s schematic illustration of the cryosphere
Alice L. Baumgartner
South to Freedom: Runaway Slaves to Mexico and the Road to the Civil War
Basic Books: 2020
     • The United States and Mexico, 1824
     • The United States and Mexico, 1846
     • The United States and Mexico, 1854
Katherine Anderson
Belchertown State School (Images of America)
Arcadia Publishing: 2020
     • Belchertown State School campus 
Zachary Dorner
Merchants of Medicines: The Commerce and Coercion of Health in Britain’s Long Eighteenth Century
University of Chicago Press: 2020
     • The London medicine trade in 1790
     • Transatlantic correspondence in the medicine trade, 1710–1755
     • Destinations of medicine exports from London, 1697–1780 
Walter Johnson
The Broken Heart of America: St. Louis and the Violent History of the United States
Basic Books: 2020
     • City of St. Louis, showing locations mentioned in this book
     • Missouri River Valley, c. 1803
     • The buildings of Mill Creek Valley before and after demolition
     • Demolition and development in the city of St. Louis, 1939–2019
     • St. Louis County, showing locations mentioned in this book
Lawrence A. Babb
Religion in India, Past and Present
Dunedin Academic Press: 2020
     • Map of South Asia with selected locations mentioned in the text 
Aro Velmet
Pasteur’s Empire: Bacteriology and Politics in France, Its Colonies, and the World 
Oxford University Press: 2020
     • French empire and the Pasteur Institutes, ca. 1939
     • Alexandre Yersin’s plague expeditions
     • Yellow fever vaccine laboratories 
Marla R. Miller
Entangled Lives: Labor, Livelihood, and Landscapes of Change in Rural Massachusetts 
Johns Hopkins University Press: 2019
     • Hadley in the Connecticut River Valley
     • Taverns in Hadley, Massachusetts
     • Forty Acres floorplans, 1752–1920
Robert Harms
Land of Tears: The Exploration and Exploitation of Equatorial Africa
Basic Books: 2019
     • Equatorial Africa
     • The main trade route from the Indian Ocean to the Lualaba River, ca. 1875
     • Tippu Tip’s third trading journey, 1870–1882, including his travels with Stanley in 1876
     • The Lualaba and Congo Rivers from Nyangwe to the Atlantic, 1876–1877
     • Brazza’s first expedition, 1875–1878
     • Brazza’s second expedition, 1880
     • Stanley’s road-building efforts on the Lower Congo River, 1879–1882
     • The boundaries of the Congo Free State as defined by bilateral treaties signed during the Berlin Conference in 1884–1885
     • Trading towns in the Congo Free State, 1885–1889
     • Route of the Emin Pasha Relief Expedition, 1887–1889
     • The war between the Manyema Arabs and the Congo Free State, 1892–1895
     • Rubber Concession Territories in the Congo Free State, 1892–1899
     • Abir Concession, showing thirty-two rubber collection posts
Penny Sinanoglou
Partitioning Palestine: British Policymaking at the End of Empire
University of Chicago Press: 2019
     • Douglas Harris, cantonization map, 1936
     • Royal [Peel] Commission Report partition map, July 1937
     • Palestine Partition [Woodhead] Commission Report partition maps A, B, and C, October 1938
     • Palestine Land Transfers Regulations, 1940
     • Partition propsal of the War Cabinet Committee on Palestine, December 1943
     • Provincial autonomy plan proposed by the Morrison-Grady Committee, July 1946
     • United Nations partition plan, November 1947
     • Map showing armistice agreements between Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt, 1949 
     • Charles Tegart, “The D Plan of Partition,” n.d. [1938?]
Matthew L. Schuerman
Newcomers: Gentrification and its Discontents 
University of Chicago Press: 2019
     • Brooklyn Heights
     • Neighborhoods in Brooklyn and Manhattan
     • San Francisco Bay Area
     • San Francisco and the Mission District
     • Central Chicago
Guy Ortolano
Thatcher’s Progress: From Social Democracy to Market Liberalism Through an English New Town
Cambridge University Press: 2019
     • Thatcher’s progress through Milton Keynes, 25 September 1979
     • The spatial dimension of the welfare state: new towns designated in the United Kingdom, 1946–1970
     • International consultancies of Milton Keynes Development 
          Corporation, 1976–1985 
David MacInnes
“The impact of population dynamics on social complexity in Neolithic Orkney” 
Journal of Archaelogical Science: Reports 24, 2019 
     • The Orkney Islands
Lorenz J. Finison
Boston’s Twentieth-Century Bicycling Renaissance: Cultural Change on Two Wheels
University of Massachusetts Press: 2019
     • Pierre Lallement Bike Path
Jan Lin
Taking Back the Boulevard: Art, Activism, and Gentrification in Los Angeles
New York University Press: 2019
     • Map of neighborhoods of Northeast Los Angeles
Kathryn Conway
“Matthias Farnsworth III, a.k.a Claude Mathias Fanef, an English captive carried to New France, and the progenitor of all Phaneufs” 
Published in two parts in Michigan’s Habitant Heritage, Volume 39(4) in October 2018 and Volume 40(1) in January 2019
     • Possible 1704 routes of Matthias Farnsworth ...
Leonard V. Smith
Sovereignty at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919
Oxford University Press: 2018
     • Germany after the Great War
     • Successor states to the Habsburg Monarchy
     • Greater Romania: ethnicity and politics
     • The Treaty of Sèvres (1920)
     • The post-Ottoman Middle East: 1923
     • Poland and the plebiscite area for Upper Silesia
     • Plebiscites after the Great War
David MacInnes
“Social organization in the Orcadian Neolithic: Identification of elite domestic structures and settlements through analysis of excavation data” 
Scottish Archaeological Journal, Edinburgh University Press, Volume 40, March 2018
     • Orcadian Neolithic Domestic Sites
Karilyn Crockett
People Before Highways: Boston Activists, Urban Planners, and a New Movement for City Making
University of Massachusetts Press: 2018
     • Greater Boston expressways, circa 1965, showing existing and proposed highways
     • The “Inner Belt” through Cambridge and Boston
     • Highway “desire lines” and proposed highway construction, 1948
     • Alternate routes proposed by Cambridge anti-highway organizers, 1965
     • The Southwest Corridor through Boston's southern neighborhoods 
Megan Ybarra
Green Wars: Conservation and Decolonization in the Maya Forest
University of California Press: 2017
     • Extent of the Maya Forest*
     • Fieldwork sites and the Franja Transversal del Norte*
     • Original and current boundaries of Lake Lachuá National Park*
     • Ethnolinguistic map*
(* Sadly, these maps were altered by the press without my knowledge or consent; what was published is NOT what was submitted.)
Keith Stavely & Kathleen Fitzgerald
United Tastes: The Making of the First American Cookbook
University of Massachusetts Press: 2017
     • American Cookery: Original editions, advertisements, later printings, and plagiarisms, 1796–1831
Conrad Edick Wright
Pedagogues and Protesters: The Harvard College Student Diary of Stephen Peabody, 1767–1768
University of Massachusetts Press: 2017
     • Harvard Class of 1769: Places of Residence at Matriculation
     • Peabody’s Trip to Watertown, May 25, 1767
     • Peabody’s Travels, July 16, July 17, and July 21–25, 1767
     • Peabody’s Trip to Dunstable, October 5–6, 1767
Jessica M. Marglin
Across Legal Lines: Jews and Muslims in Modern Morocco
Yale University Press: 2016
     • Map of Morocco
     • Map of Fez
     • Family Tree of Shalom Assarraf (1820–1910)
Matthew Karp
This Vast Southern Empire: Slaveholders at the Helm of American Foreign Policy
Harvard University Press: 2016
     • Growth of Slavery in Brazil, Cuba, and the United States, c. 1830–1860
     • Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean, c. 1841
     • Slavery and Abolition: The Hemispheric Balance of Power, c. 1843
Ed Orzechowski
You’ll Like It Here: Donald Vitkus—Belchertown Patient #3394
Levellers Press: 2016
     • Plan of the Belchertown State School campus
     • Massachusetts, showing the town of Belchertown and the Belchertown State School
(Maps reprinted with permission from Robert N. Hornick’s The Girls and Boys of Belchertown: A Social History of the Belchertown State School for the Feeble-Minded, University of Massachusetts Press: 2012)
Karim M. Tiro
“A Sorry Tale: Natives, Settlers, and the Salmon of Lake Ontario, 1780–1900” 
The Historical Journal, June 2016
     • The Lake Ontario region showing locations mentioned in the text
Andrea Felber Seligman
“Wealth Not by Any Other Name: Inland African Material Aesthetics in Expanding Commercial Times, ca. 16th–20th Centuries”
International Journal of African Historical Studies, Volume 48:3, December 2015
     • Ruvuma Region, Central East Africa
     • Approximate meanings and locations of the term makungu
Nathan Perl-Rosenthal
Citizen Sailors: Becoming American in the Age of Revolution
Harvard University Press: 2015
     • The Atlantic world, circa 1776
     • Europe, circa 1789
     • The Caribbean, circa 1794
     • Citizenship certificates issued by collectors of customs, 1796–1802
     • Certification of a sailor’s citizenship, circa 1812 
Doris Bargen
Mapping Courtship and Kinship in Classical Japan: The Tale of Genji and Its Predecessors
University of Hawaii Press: 2015
     • The Heian Capital and its Environs
     • Residences in the Northeastern Part of the Heian Capital
     • Genealogical Charts (8) 
Gerald M. McFarland
The Last of Our Kind: Third in the Buenaventura Series
Sunstone Press: 2015
     • Don Carlos’s Santa Fe, 1706
Susan Pedersen
The Guardians: The League of Nations and the Crisis of Empire
Oxford University Press: 2015
     • League of Nations: Mandated African Territories, 1922
     • League of Nations: Mandated Pacific Territories, 1932
     • League of Nations: Mandated Middle-East Territories, c. 1932
     • Road Network of Rwanda/Burundi, 1925, 1931, and 1936
     • Exploration and Control in Mandated New Guinea in the early 1930s
     • Charts (4) 
Karim M. Tiro
“The View from Piqua Agency: The War of 1812, the White River Delawares, and the Origins of Indian Removal” 
Journal of the Early Republic, Volume 35, Number 1, Spring 2015
     • Piqua and the West
Lawrence A. Babb
Understanding Jainism
Dunedin Academic Press: 2015
     • The Jain Cosmos
Nick Mills
The American Experience in Vietnam: Reflections on an Era
Zenith Press: 2014
     • North and South Vietnam, circa 1967
     • Corps tactical zones and administrative divisions of South Vietnam, circa 1967
     • Tet Offensive, 1968
     • Ho Chi Minh Trail
David Shapira
The Medal of Honor: A History of Service Above and Beyond
Zenith Press: 2014
     • The War Between the States 1861–1865
     • North and South Vietnam with Ho Chi Minh Trail, circa 1967
     • Kham Duc base and airfield, May 12, 1968
     • Mogadishu, October 3–4, 1993
     • Ganjgal Valley, Eastern Afghanistan, September 8, 2009
Robert E. Cray
Lovewell’s Fight: War, Death, and Memory in Borderland New England
University of Massachusetts Press: 2014
     • Locations and waterways mentioned in the text
Gerald M. McFarland
What the Owl Saw: Second in the Buenaventura Series
Sunstone Press: 2014
     • Don Carlos’s Santa Fe, 1704–1708
Robert E. Jones
Bread Upon the Waters: The St. Petersburg Grain Trade and the Russian Economy, 1703–1811
University of Pittsburgh Press: 2013
     • Natural Waterways in Northwestern Russia
     • Commercial Plan of St. Petersburg in the 1770s
     • Provinces of European Russia in the Late Eighteenth Century
     • Vegetation Zones and Provinces of European Russia in the Late Eighteenth Century
Lawrence A. Babb
Emerald City: The Birth and Evolution of an Indian Gemstone Industry
State University of New York (SUNY) Press: 2013
     • Johari Bazar and environs
Barbara Reeves-Ellington
Domestic Frontiers: Gender, Reform, and American Interventions in the Ottoman Balkans and the Near East, 1831–1908
University of Massachusetts Press: 2013
     • The Ottoman Balkans 1831–1908, showing major towns, American mission stations, and other locations mentioned in the text
Robert N. Hornick
The Girls and Boys of Belchertown: A Social History of the Belchertown State School for the Feeble-Minded
University of Massachusetts Press: 2012
     • Plan of the Belchertown State School campus
     • Massachusetts, showing the town of Belchertown and the Belchertown State School
Nathan Perl-Rosenthal and Evan Haefeli
“Transnational Connections: Special Issue Introduction”
Early American Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, Volume 10, Number 2, Spring 2012
     • The Dutch empire, ca. 1640–1674
     • The Dutch Caribbean, ca. 1780
Evan Haefeli
New Netherland and the Dutch Origins of American Religious Liberty
University of Pennsylvania Press: 2012
     • Dutch Republic, c. 1648
     • Dutch World, c. 1650
     • Dutch Caribbean, c. 1650
     • New Netherland, c. 1657
     • New Netherland, c. 1664
     • New York, 1672
Keith A. Erekson
Everybody’s History: Indiana’s Lincoln Inquiry and the Quest to Reclaim a President’s Past
University of Massachusetts Press: 2012
     • Map of Indiana’s “Pocket” counties
Karim M. Tiro
The People of the Standing Stone: The Oneida Nation from the Revolution Through the Era of Removal
University of Massachusetts Press: 2011
     • Oneida territory in the later eighteenth century
     • Map of Oneida lands, 1785–1846
Two Planks and a Passion Theatre Company
This map was published as part of a director’s guide to the play “Beowulf” produced in Canning, Nova Scotia: 2011
     • Beowulf’s World
Donald Robinson
Town Meeting: Practicing Democracy in Rural New England
University of Massachusetts Press: 2011 
     • Ashfield and western Massachusetts
     • Lot divisions in early Huntstown (Ashfield)
     • Locations of Proprietors’ meetings and town meetings
     • Water district and sewage treatment plant
     • Locations of Sanderson Academy
     • Ashfield’s town common and other public spaces
Jan Lin 
The Power of Urban Ethnic Places: Cultural Heritage and Community Life
Routledge: 2010
     • Ethnic neighborhoods and major landmarks of Houston
     • Ethnic sites and downtown landmarks of Houston
     • Major heritage sites of Miami
Clifford Putney 
Missionaries in Hawai‘i: The Lives of Peter and Fanny Gulick, 1797–1883
University of Massachusetts Press: 2010
     • The Hawaiian Islands
     • The Gulicks: A Family Tree
Two Planks and a Passion Theatre Company
This map was published as part of a director’s guide to the play “Rockbound” produced in Canning, Nova Scotia: 2009
     • The World of Rockbound
Bill Loughrey 
Political Will: Dominating Force in American History 
Scholarly and Specialized Publishing: 2009
     • Invention of the printing press with notable persons
     • Index of human activity
David Hunt
Vietnam’s Southern Revolution: From Peasant Insurrection to Total War 
University of Massachusetts Press: 2008
     • My Province
     • Region 2 and the Mekong Delta
Pamela E. Brooks 
Boycotts, Buses, and Passes: Black Women’s Resistance in the U.S. South and South Africa
University of Massachusetts Press: 2008
     • Alabama (with neighboring southern states)
     • Montgomery, Alabama
     • South Africa (with provincial divisions)
     • Greater Johannesburg (with Alexandra and Soweto)
Ralph A. Thaxton, Jr.
Catastrophe and Contention in Rural China: Mao’s Great Leap Forward Famine and the Origins of Righteous Resistance in Da Fo Village
Cambridge University Press: 2008
     • Provinces of China, neighboring countries, and area of study
     • Hebei-Shandong-Henan border area, showing location of Da Fo village
Kate Blackmer
Taipei, Taiwan 1988: One Woman’s Photographic Journey
Blackmer Press: 2008
     • Black and white photographs taken while studying in Taiwan
     • Click here for a preview
Evan Haefeli
“A Scandalous Minister in a Divided Community: Ulster County in Leisler’s Rebellion, 1689–1691”
New York History, Volume 88/4, Fall 2007
     • Ulster County, New York, and selected locations, 1690
Two Planks and a Passion Theatre Company
This map was published as part of a director’s guide to the play “The Odyssey” produced in Canning, Nova Scotia: 2007
     • Odysseus’ World
Young Life Rockbridge Alum Springs 
This map was published as part of a bike and hike trail guide to the Young Life Rockbridge Alum Springs area in Rockbridge, Virginia: 2007
     • Bike and Hike Map
Evan Haefeli
“The Revolt of the Long Swede: Transatlantic Hopes and Fears on the Delaware, 1669”
The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, Volume CXXX, Number Two, April 2006
     • The Delaware 1669
Evan Haefeli and Kevin Sweeney
Captive Histories: English, French, and Native Narratives of the 1704 Deerfield Raid 
University of Massachusetts Press: 2006
     • The Northeast, circa 1660–1725
     • Routes of Quentin Stockwell, 1677, and Daniel Belding, 1696
     • Routes of the 1704 Deerfield captives
     • The greater Montreal region, early 1700s
     • Escape route of Thomas Baker, Martin Kellogg Jr., John Nims, and
        Joseph Petty, 1705
Marla Miller 
The Needle’s Eye: Women and Work in the Age of Revolution
University of Massachusetts Press: 2006
     • The Connecticut River Valley
Brushy Hills
This map was published as part of a trail guide to the Brushy Hills area in Lexington, Virginia: 2005
     • Trail Map of Brushy Hills
Lawrence A. Babb
Alchemies of Violence: Myths of Identity and the Life of Trade in Western India
Sage Publications, New Delhi: 2004
     • Rajasthan with India insert
Evan Haefeli and Kevin Sweeney
Captors and Captives: The 1704 French and Indian Raid on Deerfield
University of Massachusetts Press: 2003
     • Map of the Northeast, circa 1660–1725
     • Early town plan of Deerfield, circa 1700
     • Boucherville, 1673
     • Map of the Northeast showing tribal homelands, Native villages, and movements, circa 1675–1704
     • The Deerfield Stockade during the assault, February 29, 1704
     • Routes of the captives, 1704
     • Offensive operations during the War of the Spanish Succession, 1702–1713
     • The greater Montreal region, early 1700s
Gerald McFarland
Inside Greenwich Village: A New York City Neighborhood, 1898–1918
University of Massachusetts Press: 2001
     • Greater Greenwich Village, 1900
     • Important Village Sites, Chapters 1–2
     • Important Village Sites, Chapters 3–4
     • Important Village Sites, Chapter 5
     • The Seventh Village, 1912–1918
Leonard B. Glick
Abraham’s Heirs: Jews and Christians in Medieval Europe
Syracuse University Press: 1999
     • Carolingian Empire, ca. 825
     • Holy Roman Empire and France, ca. 1150
Jan Lin
Reconstructing Chinatown: Ethnic Enclave, Global Change
University of Minnesota Press: 1998
     • Geographic sources of Chinese emigration
     • Chinatown and Lower Manhattan
     • Core and satellite Chinatowns in New York City
Mitziko Sawada
Tokyo Life, New York Dreams: Urban Japanese Visions of America, 1890–1924
University of California Press: 1996
     • The Fifteen Wards of Tokyo in 1894
Lawrence A. Babb
Absent Lord: Ascetics and Kings in a Jain Ritual Culture
University of California Press: 1996
     • Gujarat and Rajasthan with selected locations
     • The Jain Cosmos
Neil Salisbury
“The Indians’ Old World: Native Americans and the Coming of Europeans”
The William and Mary Quarterly: A Magazine of Early American History and Culture, Third Series, Volume LIII, Number Three, July 1996
     • Selected Native American centers in North America, ca. 1250
     • Selected Native American centers in North America, ca. 1645
Robert E. Jones
“Opening a Window on the South: Russia and the Black Sea 1695-1792”
Published in A Window on Russia: Papers from the V International Conference of the Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia, Edited by Maria Di Salvo and Lindsey Hughes.
La Fenice Edizioni, Rome: 1996
     • The Black Sea Region of Russia
Ben Wisner
“Socio-Economic and Gender Aspects of Environmental and Sustainable Development”
Published in the FAO/ILO/UNDP Field Manual on Participatory Project Identification and Formulation, United Nations Press: 1996
     • Development Strata
     • Root Causes of Environmental Degradation
Ben Wisner
“There are Worse Things than Earthquakes: Hazard Vulnerability and Mitigation Capacity in the Greater Los Angeles Region”
Published in Ken Mitchell’s book Mega Cities and Disaster, United Nations University Press, Tokyo: 1996
     • Growth of Population of Greater Los Angeles
     • Ozone Smog in Southern California
     • Ground-Surface Uplift around Palmdale, California
     • Flood Hazards in Los Angeles County
     • Primary Distribution System for Water
     • Hispanic Population in Greater Los Angeles
     • Plant Closings in Los Angeles County 1978–1982
     • Los Angeles County Flood Control Structures
     • Areas of Brush Fires in Los Angeles County 1919–1973
     • Poverty Areas in Parts of Greater Los Angeles
Ben Wisner
“Bridging ‘Expert’ and ‘Local’ Knowledge for Counter Disaster Planning in Urban South Africa”
GeoJournal, Volume 37, Number 3, November 1995
     • Major Urban Areas in Southern Africa
     • Alexandra Township, South Africa
     • Informal Settlements within the Greater Johannesburg Area
     • Urban Development on the Jukskei River Watershed Viewed in 1940 and 1983
Jan Lin
“Ethnic Places, Postmodernism, and Urban Change in Houston”
The Sociological Quarterly, Volume 36, Number 4, Fall 1995
     • Ethnic Neighborhoods and Major Landmarks in Houston
     • Ethnic Sites and Downtown Landmarks of Houston in Detail
Richard W. Wilkie and Kate Blackmer
Geography: People and Places in a Changing World
West Publishing Company: 1995; second edition 1996
     • Coauthored geography workbook
     • Companion volume to a cultural geography textbook written by Professor Paul Ward English at the University of Texas
Evan Haefeli and Kevin Sweeney
“Revisiting The Redeemed Captive: New Perspectives on the 1704 Attack on Deerfield”
The William and Mary Quarterly: A Magazine of Early American History and Culture, Third Series, Volume LII, Number One, January 1995
     • Map of the Northeast, Showing Rivers, Villages, and East-West Route
     • Map of the Northeast, Showing Tribal Homelands and Movements Circa 
Reprinted in: Colin G. Calloway (editor), After King Philip’s War: Presence and Persistence in Indian New England, Dartmouth: University of New England Press: 1997
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